Mostly disappeared down the rabbit hole of the day job and the writing and the day job and the procrastinating and the day job.
At least I was writing, some, although none of it was on here.
Yes, time has passed since last we blogged.
Also, Summer happened, and a short vacation, and the Olympics, which devoured entirely too much of my time (and from which I’m now suffering serious withdrawal), and every one of forty million other items that required my immediate attention. Did I mention I procrastinate?
Anyway, that's about to change. I’m sure every nascent blogger says & does the same thing, but I happen to be telling the truth. I’m going to write lots more, on here, chronicling whatever does or does not come of my first novel, Swallowed. I’ll excerpt some stuff from the book and put up links to pertinent info and annoy you with my taste in books, music, film & art.
By the way, at the moment no one knows about Swallowed Whole, which might actually be a good thing. But if you’ve somehow stumbled across it and like what you see, please let me know.
Because I’m going to write more, here.
Consider this a warning.
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